Title: Quantum random number generator

Inventors: Wolkow, R.A., Achal, R., Livadaru, L.

Description: A quantum random number generator (QRNG) that includes at least one potential well and an electron detector outputting unique signals for quantized electron occupations as a source of random numbers. The at least one potential well including at least one exactingly placed dangling bond (DB) that is biased via a control wire. The DB extends from a silicon atom or from a germanium atom. Additionally, a method of operating the quantum random number generator includes measuring the unique signals as low/high current values or times between output transitions to assign maximal and minimal values leading to a constant stream of the source of random numbers.

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Title: Lithography for editable atomic-scale devices and memories

Inventors: Achal, R., Wolkow, R.A., Pitters, J., Cloutier, M., Rashidi, M., Taucer, M., Huff, T.

Description: An atomic orbital based memory storage is provided that includes a plurality of surface atoms forming dangling bonds (DBs) and a subset of the plurality of surface atoms passivated with spatial control to form covalent bonds with hydrogen, deuterium, or a combination thereof. The atomic orbital based data storage that can be rewritten and corrected as needed. The resulting data storage is also archival and capable of high data densities than any known storage as the data is retained in a binary storage or a given orbital being passivated or a dangling bond (DB). A method of forming and reading the atomic orbital data storage is also provided. The method including selectively removing covalent bonds to form dangling bonds (DBs) extending from a surface atom by hydrogen lithography and imaging the covalent bonds spatially to read the atomic orbital data storage.

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Title: Initiating and monitoring the evolution of single electrons within atom-defined structures

Inventors: Wolkow, R.A., Rashidi, M., Vine, W., Dienel, T., Livadaru, L., Huff, T., Retallick, J., Walus, K., Pitters, J., Achal, R.

Description: A method for the patterning and control of single electrons on a surface is provided that includes implementing scanning tunneling microscopy hydrogen lithography with a scanning probe microscope to form charge structures with one or more confined charges; performing a series of field-free atomic force microscopy measurements on the charge structures with different tip heights, where interaction between the tip and the confined charge are elucidated; and adjusting tip heights to controllably position charges within the structures to write a given charge state. The present disclose also provides a Gibb’s distribution machine formed with the method for the patterning and control of single electrons on a surface. A multi bit true random number generator and neural network learning hardware formed with the above described method are also provided.

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Title: Multiple silicon atom quantum dot and devices inclusive thereof

Inventors: Wolkow, R.A., Achal, R., Huff, T., Labidi, H., Livadaru, L., Piva, P., Rashidi, M.

Description: A multiple-atom silicon quantum dot is provided that includes multiple dangling bonds on an otherwise H-terminated silicon surface, each dangling bonds having one of three ionization states of +1, 0 or −1 and corresponding respectively to 0, 1, or 2 electrons in a dangling bond state. The dangling bonds together in close proximity and having the dangling bond states energetically in the silicon band gap with selective control of the ionization state of one of the dangling bonds. A new class of electronics elements is provided through the inclusion of at least one input and at least one output to the multiple dangling bonds. Selective modification or creation of a dangling bond is also detailed.

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